Additional factors affecting the the final sentence
All Contents > Sentencing Guidelines Intro > Step 1 Culpability & Harm > Step 2 Starting Point and Sentencing Range > Steps 3 onwards to Final Sentence
“Having reached a provisional sentence in Step 1 and after making adjustments up and down in Step 2, the court will then follow the remaining steps to reach a final sentence.”
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Steps to the final sentence
Step 3 – Aggravated offences
Step 4 - Consider any other factors which indicate a reduction, such as assistance to the prosecution
Step 5 - Reduction for guilty pleas
Step 6 – Dangerousness
Step 7 – Totality principle
Step 8 – Compensation and ancillary orders
Step 9 – Reasons
Step 10 – Consideration for time spent on bail (tagged curfew)
Why is there no step in the Sentencing Guidelines to credit time spent in custody?
Steps to the Final Sentence
Having reached a provisional sentence in Step 1 and after making adjustments up and down in Step 2, the court will then follow the remaining steps to reach a final sentence.
All sentencing guidelines work in a similar way, but this page uses an ABH case as an example of what the court would consider from Step 3 onwards.