Aggravating and mitigating factors to reach a sentence starting point and sentencing range
All Contents > Sentencing Guidelines Intro > Step 1 Culpability & Harm > Step 2 Starting Point and Sentencing Range > Steps 3 onwards to Final Sentence
“Having assessed the levels of culpability and harm in Step 1, the court will then apply these to a table in the sentencing guideline which will give a sentencing starting point and a sentencing range.”
On this page …
Step 2 - Starting Point and Category Range
Step 2 - Fines, Community Orders and Custodial Sentences
Step 2 - Aggravating and Mitigating factors
Step 2 - Starting Point and Category Range
Having assessed the levels of culpability and harm in Step 1, the court will then apply these to a table in the sentencing guideline which will give a sentencing starting point and a sentencing range.
Every sentencing guideline has its own table relevant to that offence. The table in the ABH sentencing guideline is reproduced below. (On desktops/laptops, clicking on the list will expand it. On mobiles pinch with two fingers to zoom in or out.)